
Some of my work and thoughts.

Learnings, teachings and spirit rumblings that are stirring within me.

Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Poisonous Perfection

“Perfection sucks. Perfection is boring.” These words from an episode of Ted Lasso as well as some brilliant writings by Dr. Brené Brown have me wanting to tell the Apostle Paul to be a little gentler with himself as he grappled with his shortcomings.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

You’re So Old!!

A message for First Presbyterian Church in Downtown Memphis for her 195th Birthday Celebration.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Keep Talking!

Pentecost lessons from a game of Telephone!

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Lessons From Estuaries

Perhaps God has made us to be “estuary people,” leaning into the tension of the ever-changing environments and complexities of our world in order to create abundant life.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Where My Girls At?

About women in the church…. We were there. We are here.

Mother’s Day 2023.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

For the Moms…

For the moms and those who mother - in honor of Mother’s Day 2023.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

To Die For?

What are you willing to die for? What are you willing to live for? How will your answers to these questions influence the lives of others?

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

“Where is Your Brother?”

How the story of Cain and Abel offers some insights into what it means to be a person of faith in the midst of the “Stand Your Ground” culture of America?

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Would You Recognize Him?

If Jesus were walking down the street, would you recognize him? How? The science of recognition offers clues to what an encounter with God might be like.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

We Are Dead.

We are dead, and our only hope is Resurrection.

Photo attributed to Nicole Hester

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

What a Jerk of a Dog Reminded Me About Big Faith

The Niagara SPCA reminds us what “big faith” looks like. Somewhere between childhood and being grown up, we often lose our ability to marvel, wonder and have confidence in bold and Holy outcomes when they seem improbable or unlikely.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Holy Compost!

What if along with thinking of our bodies as dust or ashes, we think of our souls as compost soil?

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