
Some of my work and thoughts.

Learnings, teachings and spirit rumblings that are stirring within me.

Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Whose House?

A reminder that God’s doesn’t live inside our church buildings, but they can be a home for the people of God.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers


When good news and bad news come together, are you still able to see the good?

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Is That All There Is? Nope.

How lessons from a popular podcast offer new understanding for the utility of grief in deepening our relationship with God.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Religious, But Not Spiritual

Which should worry us more? The rise in spiritual but not religious folks, or the existence of religious but not spiritual folks?

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

The Rest of the Story…

Let’s tell the rest of the stories and see where it leads us, because I predict that we are going to need the whole story of our faith to weather the storms ahead and stay together through it all.

Image: La Sagrada Familia by Kelly Lattimore

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

“I Will Always Love You”

A Christmas Eve sermon, preached right before hearing from Rev. Kirk Whalum, and his special performance of “I Will Always Love You.”

Photo credit:

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers


Joy is coming…Are you ready?

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

The Allure of Idols

Fear has always led us to create idols that make us feel safer, even when they pull us away from God and one another.

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Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Where’s Aaron? We Need a Hero!

Recalling when Aaron stood in the gap between life and death and saved the people. Where is our Aaron to stop this plague of firearm deaths?

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